
| 第一組 | 第二組 | 第三組 | 第四組 | 生命天使 |
01. 陳俊成 02. 陳啟武 03. 趙仁富 04. 甘錦添
05. 劉家順 06. 謝慧銘 07. 李佩霞 08. 林秀清


























         Most people have a wrong perception that being rich is successful. This is obvious in Asian values. Life is short and we should lead a meaningful life instead. By contrast, human being is chasing after the monetary, and has worked against the nature of universe. Monies, loves, and rewards are like sweet dew, ones have never enough that is why most people find themselves a barrier and have a breakthrough to be successful.

        The culture of the middle kingdom is one of the oldest and the teaching of Confucius is as correct and pure, that most of us has ignored. Maybe because of the ever changing modern society we were in and the influence of the western world; that we have lost. One of the eight virtues, the filial piety is one of the most important elements to lead a wonderful life. Being filial will mean we love our nature, that is, to love our parents and family. With pure love we illuminate others and in return this great love contemplates within ourselves. This is a power, we human beings in lack of which is the basic elements and the key to leading a successful life.

        We tend to take and seldom we giving out. We like being a benefactor, and not benevolent. Sure win is against nature, whereby two ways wins is forever. Mankind is so addicted to be a benefactor of sweet dews, and the nature flow only one way. We lost our fours, and without focus we in fact has no breakthrough in life, we will never have all ultimate success, the paramount of life, a successful man is only considered successful if there surrounding benefactors are also successful. That is why love is so important (being filial). To nurture love, we must learn and practice giving. We must appreciate, and be thankful always, typing the benefactors. With two ways flow of nature, rewards is beautiful, then only is carries in successful and movies is pouring in.

        Having all the above basic elements in our life, and practice it in our daily life. Brought both a genuine heart in whatever things we do and having a strong focus. Life is short, and living a meaningful life, one will never regret of dying. Death is nothing, and is null, and when all positive elements nurtured in one life, sacrificing one life is meaningful.

        Time management is so important and this is another element we have to know how to manage. Get rid of negatively in our subconscious mind, and never provide alibi whenever we are late. This can be dangerous and become a bad habit in life.

        Asian is having less eye contact with others. Why eye contact is so important! This is because a human eye is so truthful, and genuine. When we talk with our eyes contact, we will bring forth a true self. We learn a lot from these contacts.

        Life is so valuable that we can’t afford to take our life for granted. Our parents have given us this live hood, and we should leads ourselves to a wonderful, and a meaningful life in order to repay their kindness. The same concepts can be applied to the nation, our superior and our boss. We must be deli gout, truthful, and genuine in whatever we doing in daily life. This is what I have learned from this seminar.      








































02.  陳啟武

Dear Dr Ac Ng,

        First of all, I would like to thanks Dr and all the angels who put in lots of effort to make this a special and unforgettable seminar. This is by-far the most attractive and lively seminar that I have attend.

        As to my personal preference, I think the three得﹐難得、能得與捨得。 Which you mentioned is a good example to explain why it is hard to be successful in life. 難得 which means people tends to chase after things that are out of their reach hence created unhappy moment. 能得in order to fulfill the難得, people will try to find ways to make sure they get what they want. Hence make sure they get what they want. As to捨得 it means when you out then you will receive in all circumstances. For example when you give strangers a smile, he or she will smile back at you therefore both will feel happy and rich. It is not the same in our Chinese culture when you smile at stranger, they might think either you are crazy or have bad motives. More over it is easy to say than done, nevertheless, we must take the first step to smile at other then we will succeed in the end.

        Most of all I feel that this course is good experiences, because it brings me to the emotional status of crisis and let me know how to face and answer this bad situation. However, I think some situation is not applicable. The last point, I feel that it is very applicable is that one wish to help others must be able to help himself or herself first. In order to de so, one have to buckle up oneself buy having positive thinking and keep learning. Thank you to all who share and care. Take care!

Keh Boo.






























03. 趙仁富


        在這裡我學會珍惜身邊的每一個人。我感謝Vincent讓我來到這裡 ﹐我的一生就在這裡改變了。以往我忽略了身邊的親人與朋友﹐如今的我會用盡一切的方法去補償。我缺乏自信心﹐甚至有點自卑﹐不敢與陌生人做近面的接觸。我想這趟過後﹐我的圈子和銷售的範圍將會擴大。

From: Chew Jen Fu


































04. 甘錦添


        我很高興能參加您主講的生命彩排課程﹐在我還沒有參加此課程之前﹐我真的忽略了很多很多的事情﹐我只是在拼命工作﹐拼命的賺錢﹐我唯一的希望是給家人生活過得好一點﹐但是自從參加了生命彩排這個課程﹐我才突然的發現﹐原來世界上還 有很多很多的人需要我們去關懷的。我在課程裡學會了包容別人﹐還學會了感恩。可惜的是我的父母已去世多年了﹐我無法報答﹐但我會把這所有的一切傳給我的下一代。除了學會包容和感恩﹐還有的就是如何去愛惜生命 。雙贏的想法使我更加的愛護家人、朋友、和四週的人。是你改寫了我的人生觀﹐最後我說出一句心裡的話…






































05. 劉家順



1)     悲哀

2)     往往讓我們想起一些開心與不開心的事情


1)     積極做到最好

2)     對我週圍的致親或者是朋友要出牛牌

3)     要活得更精彩﹐要做個有用的人


1)     上了三天的生命彩排之後﹐很感謝黃雅烈博士可以啟發我的人生。


劉家順學生 上
































06. 謝慧銘


        首先我要謝謝博士拿出這麼珍貴和這麼長的時間來教我們﹐actually我還沒上生命彩排的時候﹐我認為我也是一個出牛牌的人﹐但我真的沒有深入的想到當我在一條船上要死的時候是怎樣的。其實我不怕死﹐但我很不捨得我的家人﹐尤其是我三個最可愛的小孩﹐因為我很想看 到他們長大。

        但當我能跟生命彩排有緣而能上這個課程的時候﹐我真的可以想到當我真正的死後的那一天。我學會了很多東西﹐也認識了很多很多的朋友。我很開心可以來到這個課程 ﹐也很感謝我的上司給我這個機會來學東西﹐我真的學到我要學的東西﹐也很高興可以認識到你嚴重厲害的博士。

Thank you.

謝慧銘 筆

































07. 李佩霞


        在未上課程之前﹐我總覺得對父母很不禮貌﹐頂撞他們和不關懷他們是正確的﹐因為是他們把我生出來的﹐那麼他們就有責任去養育和教導我們。但他們卻把 我教得對家人冷冷淡淡的﹐那時他們的錯與我無關。


        所以我現在將會慢慢的改變自己。令自己懂得付出關懷和愛 ﹐做個他們引以為榮的孩子。




李佩霞 17/10/04
































08. 秀清


        謝謝您這三天來的關懷與教導。這三天來真的是教會了我許多事情﹐當中包括了要怎樣做一個像樣的人﹐別做一個自我中心、自以為是的人。以及如何做一個孝順的人 。

        所謂孝順﹐孝是要如何孝敬父母﹐順是要順他們的意﹐這就叫做孝順。 捨得﹐是捨出去才會得到應得的。牛羊牌﹐我們要做一個出牛牌的人﹐別做一個自私自利 、不理他人死活和一直暗算他人的羊牌人。一個成功的人往往都是雙贏﹐沒有單贏的。這又讓我想起了一件事情﹐那就是戴安娜的偉大﹐她可說是一個真真正正偉大的人 ﹐她的偉大讓我感受到她的慈悲為懷。

        其實在這三天來﹐對我而言真的是相當重要。是您教會我做人處事的大道理﹐在還沒來之前我是一個不善于表達個人思緒的人﹐往往把所有的心事都放在心裡﹐一直在想根本就是沒有人能幫到我﹐一直抱著悲哀的心態渡過 。現在不會這樣想了﹐因為我已經學會要如何與人分享﹐這就是我最大的收穫。



