

| 第一組 | 第二組 | 第三組 | 第四組 | 生命天使 |

01. 朱月貴 02. 林金蓮 03. 鄭福裕 04. 黃漢揚 05. 麥伯安
06. 楊秀梅 07. 陳啟森 08. 方炳華 09. 陳沾匱 10. 蘇美愛























































02. 林金蓮


        在這兩天的課程中﹐我才知道、了解到﹐什麼叫作生命彩排。我學會了很多做人的道理﹐尤其是在第二天早晨的那一堂課﹐我流了很多的淚﹐我從來都沒有好好的珍惜和把握與父母一起的時間。也沒有對他們說我真的很愛他們﹐因為我總覺得愛在心裡口難開﹐因為我不知道他們生我出來是愛我還是恨我。老實說我小時候很頑皮 ﹐可是他們不是打我、罵我、就是踢我。當媽媽打我時﹐爸爸不是來幫我﹐而是在一旁嚴重的加大。


        在我參加了生命彩排之後﹐我才醒過來。媽媽是多麼的偉大﹐生了我、還得教育我。我做了媽媽以後依然不能體諒我的媽媽﹐但現在我害怕失去他們。他們老了很多﹐我要做一個孝順的女兒日子不多了﹐我會好好珍惜他們﹐因為我現在會愛我自己﹐所以才會去愛他們。我會在他們面前對他們說 ﹕爸我愛您﹗媽我愛您﹗
































03. 鄭福裕


        如果真的生命可以彩排﹐我一定會把它彩排得很好、很美、很刺激。這些年來在生活上﹐我每天都好像不停的在彩排﹐但當中我卻不知道我所做的一切是對還是錯。因為我都以﹕[處事讓三分是禍﹐待人寬一步為高] 去處理事情﹐但往往所得到的都不是我想要的。



        在生命彩排課程中…. 我再次的充滿希望﹐我會很堅強的面對一切、改變自己﹐當這一天真正到來時﹐我一定會與大家分享。

































Thanks for the opportunities to attend this course, although I don’t really understand very much of what is taught in this courses, but I really thanks a lot for the effort and caring the professor have put in through all the three days during the course.

Although a lot of the things he taught during the class are a very basic and important during our lifestyle, I totally agree with what the professor have said during the class. But for me, I’ve being through lot of up and down during my life. Same of it which I will always remember in my lifetime. Which many of this things in my life mentioned during the courses too.

        I like to take this opportunity to thanks the professor and his group of colleague for the precious time and many effort, especially the kind effort they have putting.



Wong Hon Yong 17/10/04




























05. 麥伯安


        參加這一次的培訓是一個機緣﹐我珍惜這一份緣。一直以來都認為培訓是非常重要的﹐它可改變一個人﹐無論是在品行上、行為上和態度上﹐他可以是一種提醒的作用 ﹐它甚至可以改變人的一生。

        可是很奇怪的﹐我知道培訓是異常重要﹐但是心裡總是對培訓﹐尤其是激勵方面的培訓有所保留﹐心理總認為這些東西其實我們都知道、了解的。只在于有沒有把它付諸 于行動﹐去實踐它罷了。也有可能是之前的一些經驗吧﹗期望越大﹐失望就越大﹐對一些所謂的專家、激勵大師也感到不過如此。


        “生命彩排 是我參與過的一個蠻特別的培訓。它的方式有別與其它的﹐它是結合了音效加強達到氣氛的效果﹐令人有如身歷其境﹐參與感特別強烈﹐非常好﹗一級棒﹗

課程的內容也非常豐富﹐教法深入淺出﹐似淺非淺。一些簡單的道理﹐可是卻充滿了很多哲學譬如碰一鼻子灰﹐退一步得二步﹐沉船事件等等。這些哲學不只有用于工作上﹐甚至是生活上﹐家庭上都可以運用 ﹐令人獲益良多。

        在這當中﹐又以孝順這課題令人印象深刻﹐淚水也流得最多只孝不順 是我現在最佳的寫照。我是一個受寵長大的孩子。父親的去世是我很大的遺憾﹐因為一些小事我不叫我的父親有5-6年﹐甚至他死時﹐我也沒喊他一聲﹕。我很後悔﹐當母親在靈前述說父親對我的種種時﹐我痛哭失聲 ﹐我跪在他靈前聲聲懺悔﹐但已喚不回什麼﹐一切已太遲了﹐遺憾終生。






第一組 17/10/04






























































07. 陳啟森


        在還沒有上生命彩排之前﹐Vincent時常有對我說我不會對家人和朋友付出愛心﹐當時我的心裡在想為什麼要對他們付出愛﹐因為在我17歲那年﹐我和幾個朋友在某個晚上喝酒﹐然後他偷了Vincent的車 ﹐過後我追上去﹐我沒有阻止他這樣做﹐結果他把Vincent的車撞壞了﹐然後我父親就每一天罵我﹐到了一天早上﹐他說了一句話﹐在我忍無可忍的情況下﹐我罵他沒有資格做我父親。結果我一聲不響的就離家出走﹐然後在19歲那年﹐我做了一件禽獸都不如的事﹐他馬上停止我上學。

        他對我做了這兩件事﹐無知的我開始懷恨他﹐直到現在我還是問自己﹕“我有錯嗎﹖答案往往是我沒有錯﹐我不會錯﹐錯的是他﹐因為他沒有教導我、沒有關心我、和 製造了很多很多負面的理由給自己。當我與Vincent一起工作時﹐我只會出羊牌不出牛牌﹐也就是說我一直以來都沒有付出過任何東西﹐只會跟他們要求﹐要他們給我很多很多的東西。

        當我上了生命彩排﹐黃博士把我好多的思想都改正過來了﹐他讓我知道生命是很可貴的﹐要好好珍惜。還有最重要的是我很對不起我的家人﹐我是一個世界上最不孝順的人。最後我想說聲我真的很感謝您﹐黃博士 ﹐是您把我帶會看正途。






























08. 方炳華




方炳華 學生 ()



























09. 陳沾匱



         其實﹐上生命彩排最大的得益是我可以在當中發現我的弱點。一直以來﹐我都以為自己已經將我的生命安排得很好﹐包括對待父母、兄弟姐妹、朋友等等各方面。原來這一切只是自己以為而 以﹐原來我是可以做得更好、更完美的。


































10. 蘇美愛

Dear Dr AC Ng

        It is my pleasure to attend your class, of course I need to say thank you very much to my boss because of his opportunity and trust to me.

        In the first day morning class, I learnt not to repeat my mistakes and “regret”. Yes, in my daily life, I always remind myself not to repeat the mistakes. I learnt more after join Everhome, because of the straight environment and requirement towards stuff. I am a Christian, I’ll spend at least 15-30 min every morning to pray and leave my jobs and builders to my god. I am happy because when I am willing to learn this lesson, I started applying this good habit towards my boyfriend as well.

        Second section, “the more u give, the more u earn.” This lesson was taught in the bible as well. I notice that whenever in the begging of the month, 10% salary that I give to church will reply in 10% ++blessing. I believe in this knowledge as well. On the Diana sides, honestly I am not really honour this lady. Yes, she did lot to society and help lot of people. But how about her two tons? She divorced and left the two kids to the husband, she did not full fulfil her responsibilities as a mother and wife. I always believe that whenever divorce happened, both partners have to hold for responsible but somehow as rather, a better way should be think of, but not to divorce. Of course if the husband has very bad or serious problems, such as long time slap or kicks the wife, something that will physically, continuously hurt the wife than she will has the right to ask for divorce.

        Mind section, be thankful and appreciate your parents. Honestly, I did not fully involve in this section. For me it is very difficult to imagine in such a way. But I have 100% understanding (in term of fully) 2004 September 1st, I receive a medical report from a doctor. Everything was fine, except CA19-9, 54.2v compare to normal healthy level <37.0. CANCEL!! This is what doctor suspected. The moment I received this news, I almost fainted. I can’t believe that in such an age I’ll have this problem. September 19th I’ll be flying to Dubai for a furniture show. Therefore, doctor requested me to return for check up again on 11 September.12 September, result shows 52.9v. September 15th, I went to another doctor in Pudu for check up again. Blood test and urine test were carried out again. 16th September afternoon, I went back to doctor Chan again for finalization.

“Congratulations, nothing was found”, this is what the doctor told me. “But doctor, how come the percentage is so high?” “…..” “We’ll wait and see for gribbles lab report which can be obtained by 19th September.

        19th September, 530am, my boyfriend send me to the airport for departure to Dubai, 8am he when back to Pudu again to collect the report.

        “Tell your gal friend that she is ok, the hormone is high maybe because she ate too much chilli. Anyway, I’ll still write her a letter to prove Goh from UH. He’s specialised in this field.”

        19th night, my boy friend gave me a call to comfort me. The first thing that I did once I arrived In M’sia on 27th September was to read the report. CA-19-9 113.

        LIVE, LIFE! 15th September 2004, I felt in a big holes and I can’t came out. I hug my boy friend and keep telling him I am sorry. Never in my life so deep and sorrow, never in my life death is so near to me. 3 person only came across my mine at the moment which is my parents and boy friend. Non stop apologize I told my boy friend, but not to my parents. Maybe I am selfish because until this moment, they yet to know my condition.

       1st September until today, I thank god for the arrangements, even though it is very difficult. The night before. Jesus Christ was brought to the godlily will for resurrection, the prayed to heavenly father that if allowed, please take away this sorrow form him, but the said please do not obey my wish, just to make sure your plan and wish come true.” This is the satisfies that Jesus Christ gave to human being today, so that we will have the opportunity to stay in eternity.

        I made a same prayer to heavenly father, “father I do not know your way, I do not know your wish, but I only know that, I am live in pain and sorrow. I even know that, when I am sorrow and afraid, you are more sorrow and burdened. My only wish is to left all this burden to you, may you wishes come true and may my life be true blessings to others people. I am willing to undergone this test, I am willing to obey, Amen.

        I am thankful and happy that I was born in a Christian family. Therefore I believe than even though I might left than earlier, but somebody upstairs is taking care of my parents. I also believe that one day I’ll meet again with my love one in a better and happier place.

        Death is never a scary scene when you know and understand that what will be the place that you’ll go. Along the way, I really learnt a lot. I learn to be a grateful man, I learnt to appreciate, I learned to love my Jesus more and I want to firm my foundation more on this words.

        I am the type that I like to talk to myself. Look around the soul beside myself, I can felt just there are lonely and empty keep in their heart. Fine your lonely and empty as well? Ask yourself, are u really rich in your heart? Are u sure you have knowledge or information only? You are great that you can obtain 4 PhD, but why not you spend 1 year to study BIBLE? I can 100% assure that you’ll gain more if you manage to finish theological course. You’ll find more knowledge happiness and most important eternity live.

        Your teaching is fantastic, your result is unbelievable, but one thing I notice that, you only teach us half way, because life separated into 3 level:

Born  à adult à  death

        Your teaching only circular in one part, which is adult how bout the born and death? Human being started from soil, ended with soil as well, but the spirit will never damaged. Spirit is forever, but never the body. We do not have choice to be born under which family but we have choice to choose our eternity home, life is one way ticket, therefore the spiritual preparation have and completed before we walk down the bus.

        I submitted my life to god and I let him lead me. A lot of miracles happen under this wings. My formular is so simple as below:

        God + Myself à success!

        I’ve read a book of title “ The Purpose Driver Life” by Rick Warren at this moment. This book has been translated more than 20 language and obtain ECOA honour, it change my life which I have a clearer view a cheers towards my own.

        Finally, thank you very much for the reminder. 2 days classes indeed a very good reminder to me. You are a great lecturer and may all the blessing be with you forever and ever.

        If u need my help to get the book, please let me know. Please do not misunderstand that I am trying to spread the Christianity to you, nothing but just a sharing.


