


| 第一組 | 第二組 | 第三組 | 第四組 | 第五組 | 生命贏家 |




































01. Calvin Koo Hon Seong

Before age 7, my life had not been very exciting. My mother told me that I was always very weak and sickly. In fact, around 3 years old, I nearly died.

Because of my physical weakness, I was always very quite and have almost no friend. This may be because I was always happy to be alone and day dreaming all the time.

During my school days, swimming was one of the few things that excite me. I love swimming despite that I was drowned a few times. I also like to discover things on my own. I remember that I dismantle a transistor radio completely and put it back to working condition again.

In 1972, I decided not to continue my form 5 education and went to Singapore to join my sister Helen. I wanted to take up Hotel Management but unfortunately I did not have my ‘O’ Level. I then spent some months toying around my sister’s hairdressing salon. I got serious with hairdressing after seeing the glamour of hairdressing in my sister’s new salon. I was also motivated by the money that the London hairstylist was earning (S$6,000+ per month). I worked very hard and long hours on my own initiative.

In 1973, I went to Vidal Sassoon, London to study to become a hairstylist. My sister Helen and my parents sponsored me. During this time in London, I worked in a Singapore Chinese Restaurant to earned money for my food and lodging. I worked because I did not want my parents and Helen to fully finance me. I remember that I was very ill for a short period of time. This illness made me very home sick and I cried of loneliness. 1974, I came back to Singapore after my Sister told me that my mother missed me.

I worked for my sister in Singapore before I came back to my home town in Ipoh to start my hairdressing business, at the end of 1975. I was very lucky to be the first London trained male hairstylist in Ipoh. Business was very good and I made a lot of money. But unfortunately, due to lack of wisdom, I was quite arrogant with my talent. Furthermore, I did not take my late father’s advice of saving my earnings.

In 1978, I was introduced to the Amway business. I did quite well and earned the level of Direct Distributor in 1980. I must say I learn quite a lot, especially motivational skill, etc. I love this business because I like public speaking very much. However, my hairdressing business was distracted. I got married in 1981 and got a divorce a little over a year later. This I believe was because of misunderstand and lack of experience of relationship. I believe this would not have happened had I attended Life Rehearsal with Dr. Ng.

Due to my dissatisfaction with my hair perming and hair coloring skill and knowledge, I left for England again to study hairdressing science. After the course I was back to Malaysia for a short while and went back to England to start a hairdressing salon business. During my years in England, I was not very happy because I did not have a happy relationship with my ex-girlfriend. However, I stayed loyal and only broke up our relationship when she suggested it to me.

I came back to Malaysia in 1993 to look after my aged father of 96 year. He died 8 months after my return. During the 90’s, I worked for two different hairdressing product distribution companies. I learn quite a lot and was happy with my job. However, I quit both time because I was not happy with the management. Now, I know that I should have more patience and not get alone with management.

1999, Mr. Tan Kean Leong invited me to be his partner. I agree to worked for him and became his partner three months later. We are now very good friend and almost like brothers. We started our present company (Colinno (M) Sdn Bhd). Initially, we were doing very well until our agency was taken away from us. We were very angry and decided to pursue to developed our own brand. Due to lack of experience we lost money for three years.

I got married with Cindy in 2000. I believe it happened because of our Lord. In fact, when we were courting, I had firmly rejected her sharing the Gospel with me. Through the Lord’s holy spirit, she got me into listening a cassette tape of an evangelistic testimony while we were traveling to KL from Ipoh. I was stunt to learn that I was going in circles in life and had depended on my own strength instead of depending on our heavenly father. Furthermore, I was introduced to our bible study teacher of 80 years old. Subsequently, I totally surrender myself to the Lord.

In 2002, I was introduced to Dr. Ng by Jasmine Low. I subsequently enrolled for the MBA with Dr. A. C. Ng Academy. This same year, my wife attended Life Rehearsal 1. Every night, she came home telling me how she was touch by the teaching and she cried a lot. My comment at that time was “How silly! I will never cry”. A month later, I too attended Life Rehearsal 1. The first day was all right. But I cried a lot on the second and third day. During this seminar, I learn how to appreciate my parents, my wife, children and other people around me.

Cindy and I also attended Life Rehearsal 2 together. In this seminar, we learn more of the unlimited potential of the subconscious mind. There are also very important philosophy which I would encourage everyone to learn by attending this course.

Like most other things we learn in life, we would soon forget all that we have learned and give them back to our master like Dr. Ng. As we were enlightened that knowledge has no power until we applied. I am now determined to practice all I have learned from Life Rehearsal 1 & 2. To do so, I will remind all friends and buddies of Life Rehearsal and wish them to remind me as well.

From now on, I will give my best to show my appreciation and love to my wife Cindy, our children, my mother, my dear friend Tan Kean Leong and others around me. My life will be based on the principles of TRUE, GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL.

I have decided to use the knowledge I have learned and never to return to Dr. Ng. I will continue to enhance the power of my subconscious mind and utilize it to help everyone including myself. For all that I have learned I AM VERY GRATEFUL TO DR. NG. 

End of 2005, my weight is 160lb. I drive a beautiful Naza Ria.

September, 2006, finished my MBA assignment.

November, 2006, our son Marco got straight A’s and goes to Secondary School next year.

December, 2006 earning above RM30,000 per month.

Year 2008, Colinno (M) Sdn Bhd achieved an annual turnover of RM10,000,000

December 2008, we lived in a beautiful bungalow house with lots of greens for our family to spend some of our leisure time together.

Year 2009, our son Jonathan was marriage with a wonderfully understanding wife.  

Year 2010, serving the Lord in all ways.

Year 2011, Marco goes to University.

Year 2013, Carlo goes to University.

Year 2014, Margo got his honor degree and going for his masters.

Year 2017, Carlo got his honor degree and going for his masters.

Year 2020, Marco and Carlo are both marriage and have their own business.

Year 2018 onwards, Cindy and I had three months holiday a year.

Year 2025, we celebrated our Christmas with all our sons family in New Zealand

Year 2030, All our sons and their wives and 6 grand-children had all attended Life Rehearsal.

Year 2039, Cindy and I continue to live to over 100 years old but still feel very young and healthy. WE PRASE THE LORD FOR HIS BLESSING AND GRACE.






























02. 黃永順



        不過﹐潛能啟發﹐並不是每次都是積極、正面性的。這是因為潛能的記憶器是不會分辨什麼東西是對錯是非、積極或是消極性。這一路走來﹐我們的教育經驗甚至環境都時常給我們負面的訊息﹐自然而然的經過21天不斷的聽取或接 收﹐訊息便“註冊” 在潛意識裡﹐更恐怖的是再加上28天不斷持續的灌輸﹐而來到49天﹐訊息去到創造意識。這就變成根深蒂固的觀念﹐爆發出來。要變成積極正面的﹐要耗盡多少的力量才能校正過來。正面積極性的資訊是何 等的重要。




























































03. Ngam Lai Kee

(my feeling)

        Once again I want to say thank you to Dr AC Ng. This time I have a break through so I can know myself better now and I can use the thing that I have learn this three days for my children. Even night I will remind my husband and myself the golden verses of Dr. Napoleon Hill, what ever the mind can conceive and believe it can be achieve. After today my good will be big and no limit at all.


        I will use my universe mind to increase my power in my work and my business. I will use my subconscious mind to work quick, forecast and smart. Of course I will not forget true, good and beautiful. I will put these three words in my life forever, deep in my heart and my mind.


        I will also pass onto this three sons and teach them how to put in practice. I pray to god everyday to give me a longer time on earth so I can play a better note as a mother and a wife that god has given me this duty, I will kept on learning and upgrade myself for my family. Thank you god for all that he has done on me and my family in Jesus name I pray Amen.


        Thank you.



























































04. 陳建隆




































2001930日 我上了彩排二之後﹐改變了一切﹗做什麼事都會有心想事成的效果﹐因為在我的腦子裡﹐時常嚮起彩排裡黃博士所說過的“只要想做就去做﹐不要只是想 ﹐行動﹗”﹐所以我在 上完這兩個課程後﹐一直到現在為止﹐我是沒什麼事是不可以的。





































06. 謝棋強

在這個課程中我找到我要的東西﹐第一次上彩排二後我都沒有用到課堂裡所教的。在這三天的課程我學習到我們左右腦的偉大。如果我們懂得好好的利用我們的腦﹐我們就可以得到我們要 的東西。它能改造我的命運。使我在事業及個人的人生中獲得最大的成就。在此我需要每天往正面的去思考﹐不要時常再給自己說﹕沒有時間、沒有錢、沒有人指導、學歷不好、身體不好。

我要面對我的女兒、太太、父母親和自己。我要把我的事業(L.B Network)做得更好﹐wan to make a lot of money for  my family, and i wan to help my C.B partner to make money as well.我要在明天開始﹐I wan to give my wife and my children a good life.

 Thank you Dr AC Ng.
