Marcus Tan
My life journey (The Script)
I remember the first
day in the kinder garden with others, I was six years old. We were
very happy singing and eating while studying. Father was very young
at that time and always bringing us to Ipoh during holidays. Mom was
young and strong provides us all the needs at home. Years has gone
by then enrollment to primary school at 7 years old.
I was so amazed
others boys was so fluent in Malay, and I do not speak well. I told
myself if I need friends, I have to pick up the language and I speak
put my guts. I make a lot of friends, I was good with making paper
plane, and my teacher was so amazed with my handiwork and I in turn
has so proud of myself at that time.
Around 10 years old
I was so active with sport “table tennis” I got interested when one
of my friend bring me to a Chinese school during school breaks to
play the “table tennis”. My performance at school was tremendous,
I’m always the top student, and I even pick up the Arabic language
when I was in standard six. My “ping pong” skill was so good and I
always play the game at the local “Hakka Association” under a coach.
I have a girl friend
when I was in standard five. She was very beautiful and a daughter
of a local sawmill factory. I was a top junior player for the Hakka
Association when I was 12 years old. Due to too active playing table
tennis, my parents stop me to do so because they afraid the sport
might affect my studies. I have stopped the sport, and which I have
regretted until today.
Lives at home were
so good and when I was 13 years old, whatever needs from my parent,
I would get it easily. Our family was doing well, and we are very
happy with other brothers and sisters.
Authority under ISA
acts was arresting when I was 14 years old, my father. My father was
being made to move to Melaka. I was so proud of my mom because she
had to take whole family and all matters in the family. She even
pick up driving as well that she could drove all over places, she
even attending to my father 3 years later. But family reunited
again. This incident has caused our family a lot of resources, and
making me disagreed with the bullshit ISA laws.
My father resume his
business as a tin minor, and he was doing good until 1987 when the
tin market collapsed. I saw a lot of unemployment every in Perak.
Workers came to our house to console my father to resume his missing
operation and they even willing to take a cut, I was graduated form
five, however, my father told me that he can afford to pay for my
studies. He didn’t work at all during this recession period. All the
times, I saw him lying on sofa. Family savings were dwindling down.
One of our relative (uncle) came visiting us from America. He
advised my parents to migrate to USA. My parents has made a plan to
send us all the new land of promise, starting with my brother, while
I was continue my “A” level study at Ipoh.
I went to the USA
when I was 21 years old, and I studied there while working and
sending mores homer.
When I was 23 years
old, I have bought enough airplane tickets for my other brothers and
sisters to join me in the states.
My mom has joined me
and later my father and the rest of the family. Life was so
difficult at those times in the states because breadwinner is only I
and the other brother while the others were so young. My parents
were not be able to speak in English and it is hard, and we do not
want them to work, on one occasion, I cant get a job of period of 6
months because I was a illegal, I ended up owing a lot of debts, and
accruals that I have to file chapter 11 at 23 years old simply owing
8 thousand US dollars.
Living in San
Francisco at that time, I was so fortunate to meet a high sage
(monk) in Ialmage, Abbot Unerable Hsuan Hua. He has guided me
through this difficult period. I managed to get a job in a gas
station because I went for the manager 3 or 4 times to ask the job
sincerely. I was 24 years old back then. The monk has made me
realized the meaning of being contended and I lead my life in the
way. I meditate a lot during night before going to sleep.
Was promoted to
management job as Assistant manager after six months working in a
brand new 2 millions gas station and on the ninth month I became a
manager and a fellow Asian, to run a gas station (corporate operated
retail shop), 2 years later being lay off due the northern
California operation is not profitable.
Joined Walgreen’s
Drug store as an assistant manager. This is the best moment I felt
with my career in retail because I earned a lot and popular within
the shop. I’m one of the best managers they ever had, and I trained
a lot managers out to run other retail outlets. I met Florence a
pharmacist who fell in love with me. We have good times for a while,
and during off-days I actively play “table tennis” at Oakland china
town- Due to the management always skipped me to put me in a store
as manager, quieted. I run away from a relationship because I have
no gut to tell Florence that I am a illegal, immigrant who is just
lucky in the ball games – Never heard from her since than.
27 years old moved
back to Texas and work for my brother and reunite with the whole
family in Texas. My brother was running a small family restaurant,
and we have a lot of loyal customer. When I was 30years old, I have
came to know the future is IT, I learned a lot in the fields and I
even consulted my patrons to my restaurant about IT a lot, I took
courses and studying hard to learn about the new popular technology,
and I told myself to changed my carrier the next time.
One day we were
being approached by a reporter “forth worth safer telegram” to write
an article about our restaurant, no one dare to speak with the
reporter and my brother has put me to be interviewed. I bragged a
little and I related the origin of this family restaurant linking to
china town in xian Pareses then the Asia. Malaysia. The next days,
it because a talk of the town, and our family and restaurant as well
town there after, met Yan can cook one occasion at the local home
appliance center, where he promoting his cook book, has taken a
picture with the legend Chinese chef, and he had related me as his
friend which also help a lot with our restaurant.
At 31 years old, the
new immigration has forced me to leave my family again and back to
Malaysia to wart my PR status. I remember tear drags suddenly came
out from my eyes when my brother drove me to the airport, I was so
scared and don’t know what to do next alone in Malaysia. Life was so
difficult because I have to adjust to the new country, of birth. I
was so naive and fresh to the jungle out there. Piss off with my
crazy Pakistan boss, and I decide to start with my own business. It
is a nightmare doing business during the recession in 1997, and my
partner broke out with me, I lost a sum of the investment during
this 2 years. On one occasion I have sleepless nights the after
math, until I awaken by a friend saying Indonesian immigration is
climbing higher one day after another at KLCC and why is that I am
I got a job-calling
luggage at KLCC, and the first week of employment, the boss decided
to fire me because I was so serious and not cheerful (not unique as
Malaysian). Trapped in a situation, winning or losing without food
on the table, I changed myself and dropped my pride. It turns out
till the best sales person in KL selling over RM180, 000 of luggage
every month. I can sell basically everything in the shop to anyone.
When I was 33 years old, I joined Everhome as an IT supervisor
because this is the job I liked most. I was promoted to be a manager
2 years later and then as a senior manager. I have come up with a
lot of new ideas, and designed a lot of special system to the
company. It has been six years later on I worked for Everhome. Share
was occasions where I was downed, and these will never sunken me, because, I have made
this new places my family. Nothings are hurting me because I’m used
to up and occasionally down. I came to know a wonderful girl at
Taiping and because she is too far away, and I was so busy with jobs
back here, we were seldom together. I wish I had more of my own
Now I was 38 years
old at script courses (second chapter). I have felt that I’m in the
Middle Ages anises. I don’t seek a prosperous life like others used
to dream – off. I’m just any other ordinary guys out there. All I
know that, there is limitless potential inside me, and I have to
apply all those benefit to my family, society or works. I wanted the
next half of the scripts as rich as the first half.
At the age of 40, I
already settle down to set up a family of my own. I have reunited
with my parents in the states. My wife and I were working very hard
to saving for the future. My parents are much older compare to the
years I have left them since 97’. However, my old men were so
healthy, which I was 50 grateful to gods. My brothers and sisters
were so successful. My brother has 2 big restaurant equipped with
ordering system and a live cctv.
I met my nephew,
they grew bigger now. My brother in law is an American, but he like
Taoism and I glad that both of sisters has married a good husband,
my the other brother is more mature by now, he has been a successful
master chef.
At age 45, my first
son was 5 years old, and it makes me proud to bring him to day care
school. After 5 years struggling and savings, my life is improving.
I’m expecting another baby coming.
Our family is
growing bigger and bigger, and my parents were so happy with so many
grand kids. I was 50 years old at that time.
My daughter who is 7
years old is picking up piano, something I wish to learn but I can’t
pick up. Our family want for a vacation together the first time to a
foreign country. I set up a small business with little start up
capital, I was 50 years old. I’m selling grocery while I kept a
daytime job.
Belinda is preparing
for a piano test tomorrow, my wife and me were sitting on a couch,
and the melody is so sweet. Our daughter is 17 years old, and she is
so beautiful like my wife. Junior do not live with us, he has been
doctor who practice at Parkland memorial hospital. My business is
doing well, and I have planned to expand and renovated the place
bigger. We meet once a year with my brothers and sisters, and they
were doing well with their lives too. We spent the wonderful
Christmas compliment each other’s, and taking about our younger
years. I remembered I was 60 years old at that time. Because I
celebrate my birthday a week earlier.
I have guide my job
and I was so busy with the mini market. Occasionally, I joined the
local Taoism chapter, I was so busy with the church, and the pet
business I running, my daughter has married to another states and I
have a granddaughter by my son. Belinda occasionally called my wife
and me she has a just giving birth to a grandson. I was 65 years
I went to visit the
modern China and walked the great wall with my wife. I remembered I
have last chance 35 years ago. I was quite old at 70 years.

. 打麻將。
