


| 第一組 | 第二組 | 第三組生命天使 |

























很有福氣的參加了這生命彩排課程, 能有幸參與這課程真的要多謝我孩子和他的補習老師。 也是他們參與后保密的程度更引起我不得不親自體驗一下到底他們學了什麼,是好還是壞的。 但多少的可從他們生活中的 positive來看又沒壞呀! 所以我決定參加這課程。

在第一天到這裡時, 我覺得很冷, 兩天后我覺得很溫暖。 我不知道這是不是冷氣機的關係, 但我真的覺得很溫暖, 溫暖來自分享,來自擁抱, 來自感恩。

原來分享是快樂的, 他會帶給我溫暖, 因為在分享的過程中, 我們是不自覺的把心中不快和難受都說出來。 當然也說出了我們的成功過程和心酸。 把所有說出口,心中坦然了很多, 在廷他人的分享我們可把握到別人positive way. 從而提升自己的想想, 我愛上分享了。 往後我會多點與他人分享以外, 還會多愛我的親人。

我是個不喜歡表達個人感受的人, 也有多少的保守。 所以是絕對不會跟人擁抱還說“我愛你”。 我覺得很肉麻, 也不可思議。 但我今天已經突破了這無形的牆。 我不但做到這不可思議的事, 還跟這么多個陌生人擁抱和說我愛你。 在此同時我愛上了擁抱。 活了這麼多年才知道擁抱是可以傳達無形的力量和支持, 關心等。 其實一個合時的擁抱多過千言萬語, 我明白了。真謝謝你。

在付出牛牌和羊牌當中, 我從中醒悟原來不是一直出牛牌才偉大, 我們要想法感動他人出牛牌才是最重要的。 在這雙win的時刻, 快樂是同時擁有的, 這樣才不會令心中不平。 在以後的生活中, 我會多點做到這點。

在這兩天課程中, 我知道家人,父母對我的重要, 所以在船沉時, 我想盡理由一定要上船, 也無形中表達了對家人的愛, 我真的愛他們。

千言萬語, 不懂再如何表達我的心, 只能再說, 黃博士, 你是個有大福的人, 你把這彩排(positive thinking) 帶給這麼多的人。 你是個有福報的人。 而我也還學習, 不能做得到大福, 也要做個小福,謝謝你。






































  而我自己在這兩天里,當然也領悟了不少事情尤其是孝順,會孝順的人真的沒几個。 這個孝順可以讓我們人生不再有那麼多遺憾, 那是多麼令人感動的呀!我一定要可以做到!

在這生命彩排中讓我學習到的另一課程就是擁抱。 在我生命中讓我擁抱的人沒几個。除了兩個寶貝女兒。 但是在這兩天內我竟然跟那麼多人擁抱過。 真的很難得。 博士真的厲害嚴重得不得了。 能讓我自動的去擁抱那麼多的男生, 真的不簡單。

在此再次的衷心感謝博士您, 希望有一天我也有機會像博士您一樣去奉獻給大家。





































To, Dr. AC Ng

   Thousand of million "Thank You" to you and I don't know how to pay you back beside than "Thank You". Actually for the 1st day, I feel boring and cannot keep and learn what you trying to teach, but for the 2nd day I really understand that you teach me for this two days. I start enjoying and feel interesting about your course. I'm really happy because I already have found my answer that I looking for most than 10 years. The 2nd thing is I have a chance to meet more new friends and I already have my future and goal in my brain now. I really admire you "Dr. Ac Ng" because you teach me a lot of what human being should do and start my new life. Anyway "Thank you" very much. I hope you will still going this way to teach other new student who's have problem that cannot solve. If I still have a chance, I will go for this course again. Take care yourself in everything. Once more "Thank You" to you. Bye. Keep in touch.


Your sincerely,

(Nicholas Se Kok Choy)


































To: Dr. Ac Ng 

  Before attend this seminar of "生命彩排". I'm the person who always late " No time management ", the way I other people also selfish and I only be nice to my friend only.

 In the first day lesson-

  You make me divided two into my buddy, this buddy help me to learn how to take care of myself " buddy = me ".

  Then the " ," test, we learn that what is the correct way of our life, we come to this world is to become a given 牛卡 person not a 羊卡 person. At the 1st I think that there are many people given me 羊卡 will me continue given them 牛卡 it that mean I was very stupid, but you explain all the thing you know to us that make me feel that I found the correct way to become a human.

  Dead is what?? Dead is ending of life, try to love your family, friend, brother, sister and... Life is weakness. It will pass by us. We always forget that what will we bring back to other people or leave our spirit down. We always think of ourselves when the time come, I ask myself how many person and who are them will cry for me?? Why is them?? Because they love me, use the remain life to love them.

  A 牛卡person not really stupid, he is using win-win situation it is more and more and more clever than the person who give 羊卡. 牛卡 build highest building more view.羊卡 build wall, wall, wall to face with. Forgive no chicken, forgive is 勇氣.

 In the 2nd day lesson-

  I late!! even few see also I late!! No Dr have said I see in the room 1 hour in outside. So that mean I late few hours is a long time. Before I didn't know the important of the few minutes/see. It take life really it take life. Times will not come back use it fully and try to build up time management if not the explosion of the hill will cause all died all of them "us" no even I live. After that we back to the 0 of our life. In that time many picture running, coming but one thing I forgotten why there have no one picture of my mom angry face all the face is so sweet. She always hit us every days but in that time none? but until when to the hospital I stop - because I know that my dad didn't come, to see my mom, he work, so I stop....

  The ship... titanic... I know that I was weak in self development/ self life. He (Dr) make me know that the life is important to ourselves. Yes no body can attack others just you can attack yourself. Life is that damn important why I leave it's pass away. Died is died. Here I want to thanks to Dr been teaching me that life is really important live like a man....

 Tan Boon Kiat     



































  I am very glad to have attended this course because it really open my eyes to a lot of issues we face daily in our life. The following are what I have learned :

1.      "Win Win" situation.

2.      Respect and honour parents while still possible.

3.      Life & death and value of life before it is too late.

4.      Search our heart.

5.      Realize our weakness and capitalize on the story points.

6.      Life is short try to make full use of it.

7.      Show love and show by actions.

8.      Sharing & feeling and emotions.

9.      Role play in different identity.

10.  Create the "buddy" love & concern.

  Over all it is very fruitful and knowledgeable with the valuable information we can able to carry out our life more meaningful and learn to tolerate, give and take forgive and forget each other weakness. Try to look forward instead of backwards and do not mistakes, hatred blind us....

  Thank you very much for your help and speech.

Barry Tan


































06. 賴董固


生命彩排這課程令我感觸很深。這兩天令我學會這一生中不會的東西, 學會如何珍惜時間, 明白牛羊牌的道理, 經過這次的領悟, 我會好好的去運用及發揮。 在此謝謝黃博士您的教導。

另外我會改過遲到的習慣, 如何去體諒別人, 如何去做到真正孝順的含意。 再次的千萬個謝謝!
